David Hunter

Personal Website


Hey all, I hope you are having a good festive period surrounded by those that matter to you, and that you are all warm and healthy.

This year, I got a range of gifts, some from myself, and some from others. These are detailed below.

Gifts from Myself

  • Samsung DVD Recorder & VCR DVD-VR325
  • Technics Stereo Cassette Receiver SA-K2L
  • Lenovo ThinkVision T23i-20 23-inch Full HD Computer Monitor
  • Electric Cordless Air Duster with 6000mAH Rechargable Battery
  • Sony PlayStation Console with Controllers and Cables
  • Grand Theft Auto game for PlayStation
  • GTA2 game for PlayStation
  • Grand Theft Auto London: Mission Pack #1: London 1969 game expansion for PlayStation
  • Driver game for PlayStation
  • Driver 2 game for PlayStation
  • TCA World Touring Cars game for PlayStation
  • PlayStation Storage Bag
  • Sony PlayStation 2 Console with Controller and Cables
  • Grand Theft Auto III game for PlayStation 2
  • Grand Theft Auto Vice City game for PlayStation 2
  • Grand Theft Auto San Andreas game for PlayStation 2
  • Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Stories game for PlayStation 2
  • Grand Theft Auto Vice City Stories game for PlayStation 2
  • Harry Potter: Quiddich World Cup game for PlayStation 2
  • Red Dead Revolver game for PlayStation 2
  • Sony PlayStation 2 Remote Control
  • Sony DualShock 2 Controller for PlayStation 2
  • Sony PlayStation 2 Memory Card 8 MB
  • Sony PlayStation 2 Memory Card 128 MB [x3]
  • Grand Theft Auto game for Nintendo GameBoy Color
  • Selena Gomez: Rare album on Compact Cassette
  • Now 100 Hits 80s No.1s album download on Apple Music
  • Giant Cola Bottles Sweets

Extra Thoughts

When cleaning around my bedroom recently, I found some old video tapes I've had for many years, and kept meaning to watch again before deciding what to do with them, so I purchased a new video player that can also play DVDs. It also has the ability to copy videos to DVD so if I wish to backup any of these video tapes to DVD I can do so.

At some point, either earlier in the year or the previous year, I purchased a cheap cassette tape player that didn't sound too good. It was good enough to check out what was on some old tapes I had, but after using it I kinda liked the format. It took me back to when I was a kid and was growing up with the format, so wanted to properly try it out and actually use it to listen to music on a more permanent basis, so I purchased a Cassette Receiver so I could make it part of a HiFi setup. It works really well, much better than that cheap thing I got previously, and actually (to me) sounds amazing. So glad I made this purchase.

I needed a new computer monitor, the one I was using (an old TV) was starting to break down and act strange, so I purchased a cheaper second hand one and it didn't work upon arrival, so purchased the Lenovo ThinkVision monitor brand new and it works really well. The smaller and also raised monitor has also opened up more space on my computer desk and has allowed me to organise things better than have the very cramped space my old TV created. Happy with this purhcase.

I also wanted to make a commitment to keeping my bedroom in better condition than I have been, and got tired of using the consumable air duster cans I had been using up until now, so I purchased a rechargable air duster to help remove dust from areas that are harder to get to, and also hopefully make future cleaning tasks more efficiant and motivate me to clean more often. It works really well and I am happy with this purchase.

The two PlayStation consoles (PS1 and PS2) were both purchased second hand, and work really well. I regretted selling my PS2 previously, so wanted to buy it again, and even though it can play PS1 games, I wanted to properly experience playing games on an actual PS1, the one that started all the PlayStations we know and love today, so I purchased one and love it.

The TCA World Touring Cars game for PlayStation (PS1) is a free game I got with the console, and is surprisingly better than I thought. It doesn't have a case, and came directly in the console itself. I can easily supply a case for it.

Sadly, both controllers for the PlayStation 2 did not work upon arrival, however one of the ones I got with the PS1 did work so I am using that with both consoles.

Selena Gomez Rare on Compact Cassette will go nicely with the same album I have on Vinyl Record and Compact Disc (CD). I got it mainly so I could test out my Cassette Receiver. I had other tapes I could have used, but wanted to use the same album I used when testing out the Record Player previously. That's why I went with Selena Gomez Rare.

Those that know me know that I normally buy my music on Amazon Music, and this hasn't changed. I was trying out one of the older GTA games on my iPad, and it has a radio station called Tape Deck that plays music from your Apple Music, so needed a quick album to play on it that fits with the game and also one I would happily play again, so I opted for Now 100 Hits 80s No.1s.

Gifts from Others

  • PlayStation String Lights from Family
  • Clip On Smartphone Holder from Family
  • Private Eye Annual 2022 from Family
  • White Chocolate Smarties from Family
  • (Tiny) Tony's Chocolonely Chocolates from Family
  • Money from Family
  • USB Mini Vacuum from Family
  • Minecraft Creeper Hot Chocolate Mug Set from McG Relatives
  • Dark Gray and Black Superman T-Shirt from McG Relatives
  • Cadbury Heros Chocolates and Money from Neighbour
  • Sports Direct Gift Card from B Relatives

Extra Throughts

I had been thinking of adding more lighting effects to my bedroom, and I must have mentioned it to my family at some point, because they got me a set of string lights in the style of PlayStation buttons, which fits in nicely with my love for PlayStation. (For Xbox fans, I also own an Xbox One console, but this christmas was more PlayStation focused. :P)

The USB Mini Vacuum was probably a message from my mother to do more regular cleaning, and I intend to do so with the help of this gift.

As for the Minecraft Creeper Hot Chocolate Mug Set, the mug is HUGE and makes my normally large coffee (Kenco Americano Grande) rather small, and only fills like half the mug, but I enjoy it all the same. A little bit of a different experience drinking out of it, because it is a square mug, and has to be since its Minecraft, but its all part of the fun. Thank you to my McG relatives for this amazing gift.


The most important thing to me about this Christmas, was not the gifts I got myself or received from others, but rather having my family and relatives around me and able to spend time with all of them. Today is our planned annual family get together. This is what makes Christmas so magical.

Take care everyone, and thank you for stopping by and reading this blog article.