David Hunter

Personal Website

Recent Updates to DAH5

I have been working hard on new updates to the DAH5 website, also known as my oldest and longest standing website, originally lauched back in April 2005.


Added Light and Dark Color Modes

The site will use your color mode preference as set in your device settings, and change aspects of the site accordingly.

Usually this means you will start in Light Mode because a lot of people probably won't change this setting, and Light Mode is usually the default, but for those who prefer things looking darker, your preference will now be taken into account while using the site.

Feel free to change your device color mode setting and see how the site adapts to this. You could find you prefer the opposite mode to what you currently have, either all the time, or at certain times, such as light mode during the day, and dark mode during the night.

Added Color Mode Toggler

Choosing between light mode and dark mode for your device is one thing, but what if you prefer your device in dark mode, but prefer the site in light mode?

Now you can have the best of both worlds. Set your device color mode setting to one and use the toggler to view the site in the opposite mode, or simply try the site in the opposite mode before you actually change the setting.

Find the toggler in the footer section on any page across the site. Note, the color scheme will revert back to device preference upon page reload.

Added Reference Section

The brand new reference section will contain information to refer back to on a variety of subjects. Mostly created as a section to contain notes of things I learn when I learn them, I probably will update it with things I feel could be useful to others when the ideas come to me.

Check it out at dah5.com/reference.

Added Games Section with Love Calculator game.

Back when I was in school, I added a game called Love Calculator I found online, that I showed off to others when I had the chance. It was really popular. I saw classmates playing the game even when I didn't prompt them to, which shows it was a great success.

Over the years, I changed to creating my own game, and even had times when I took the game offline when I didn't think anyone was playing it anymore.

Recently, I have decided to recreate this game from how I remember it working, and make it available online again.

In the future, I hope to make more games, even if they are really simple, just for a bit of fun, which is why I have created a games section to save me moving things around later.

Check out my games section, including the new Love Calculator game, at dah5.com/games.

Added Contact Details to the About page

You can now get in touch with your feedback using the details on the site's about page.


Radically Changed The Site Structure To Make Future Developments Easier

This is a technical update that mostly only affects things during development to make things easier for me, and anyone else I may have as contributors in the future.

Keeping things non-technical, I basically moved parts of how the site is structured into their own dedicated files, which effectively cleans up the code and makes it easier to manage.


Thank you for checking out this update article, and that going forward I hope there will be plenty more updates to see.

Until next time, take care.